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Analysis on the advantages, process and heat treatment of precision casting

1. What is the relationship between precision casting and other casting methods? What are its main advantages?

Precision casting is one of the casting methods. In addition, from a professional point of view, it is a casting method compared with the traditional casting process. Its main advantage is that it can obtain more accurate shape, and the casting performance is also very good. Therefore, we can make full use of these two points and make rational use of them to obtain high-quality castings.

2. Precision casting, can it be thin-wall casting?

Precision casting is a kind of casting. Its shell is preheated at high temperature. If the casting speed is very slow, thin-walled castings can be obtained. Therefore, the answer to this question is yes. If it is not ferrous metal, it can also be die-casting.

3. Where is Silica Sol precision casting mainly used for precision casting?

There are many kinds of precision casting, among which Silica Sol precision casting is mainly used for some precision parts, as well as some castings with complex structure, high surface finish and large geometric tolerance. In addition, in mechanical manufacturing, it is also one of the forming methods of parts. In some fields, it is widely used.

4. Can the water-soluble core be used for precision casting?

In precision casting, for the core, water-soluble core can be used, but there are specific requirements. Generally speaking, if the casting structure is not conducive to demoulding, the water-soluble core can be used on the core to achieve good demoulding effect.

5. Is pickling required in the manufacturing process of precision castings?

In this case, from a professional point of view, it depends on the actual situation. If there is dirt or scale on the surface of the casting, it must be pickled to remove these for passivation and other operations. If not, there is no need to implement it. Therefore, this question is not easy to answer, because it depends on the actual situation.

6. If stainless steel is precision cast, does it need heat treatment after casting?

If stainless steel is used for precision casting, it is very important in the stainless steel brand, because it is related to the quality of castings, so we can't be careless. Whether heat treatment is required after casting depends on the composition of stainless steel. If some elements are relatively high and the material hardness is large, heat treatment is required.



Contact: James Lee

Phone: +86-18266666269

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Add: Beisan Industrial Zone, Dongying District, Dongying, Shandong